book & lyrics by Anthony Drewe
music by George Stiles

Rated – G

Performance Dates

March 29, 30, April 5 & 6 @ 7:30 pm
March 31 & April 7 @ 2:30 pm

The Amarillo Little Theatre Academy and the ALT Guild are proud to present HONK!a heartwarming musical about the Ugly Duckling. Winner of multiple awards, including the 2000 Olivier Award for Best Musical (beating out The Lion King and Mamma Mia!), this touching musical with plenty of heart will captivate audiences of all ages.

Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother’s protective flapping. Feeling rather foul about himself, the little fowl finds himself lost on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along his rollicking and harrowing journey, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out that being different is not a bad thing to be.

ALT Academy has assembled a terrific cast to bring this classic musical to life. HONK! features 72 talented Academy students and is being directed by Academy Director Jason Crespin. Academy Instructors Brandon Bellar and Beth Alexander serve as Music Director and Choreographer, respectively, with Scenic Design by Tana Roberson and Costume Design by Leigh Anne CrandallAcademy parents complete the produciton team with Chriselda Reyes as Assistant Director and Jamie Humphrey and Velvet Knight as Production Assistants.

This delightful and award-winning adaptation of one of the world’s most beloved fables is being presented March 29th– April 7th. Ticket prices are $18.00 for 12 and up and $15.00 for under 12. Tickets go on sale to ALT members on March 11th and to the general public on March 18th. Reservations can be made by calling the ALT box office at 355-9991 or online at www.amarillolittletheatre.org. This performance will be taking place at the ALT Mainstage.

Witty and hilarious, but also deeply moving, HONK! will treat you to equal amounts of laughter and tears. You and your family won’t want to miss it! Make your reservations today! Make your reservations today!!

Performance location

ALT Mainstage
2019 Civic Circle

Box office phone: 806-355-9991

Get further ticket information at:
[email protected]

Buy tickets online!


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  • Stockard, Johnson, Brown & Netardus Law Firm
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  • ALT Guild