Amarillo Little Theatre’s Rating System
What shows are appropriate for your family?
Amarillo Little Theatre’s mission is to enrich our community by fostering an inclusive environment of education, encouragement and entertainment through the creative expression of the arts. Our capable staff of theatre professionals and diverse pool of volunteers join forces to offer our community the very best in quality entertainment. As a nonprofit organization, we are passionate about and committed to the art of community theatre. We believe that ALT truly is the place to be.
We also recognize and understand that not every production is appropriate for everyone. Amarillo Little Theatre’s rating system is designed to help you determine which of our productions are appropriate for you and your family.
Our ratings, noted by age, are based on language, adult situations and violence. While all three types of content are considered, the rating indicates the oldest recommended age. For example: If a show is rated 16+ for violence and 10+ for language from our Artistic Director, the rating will appear as 16+.
Of course, you are the best person to decide what is appropriate for your family, so all ages will generally be admitted. However, we urge you to give serious consideration to the ratings when deciding whether to bring children who are younger than the recommended age to performances. A quick Google search of the show’s title should also be able to give you a synopsis of the show as well as a general idea of what to expect as far as its content.
If you have a specific question about the content of a particular show? Contact us.
Language Rating
- All ages – All content is appropriate for all ages. No one has to stay at home!
- 10+ – Infrequent adult language (mild). There are no references that are not appropriate for younger children.
- 13+ – Moderate adult language. May contain moderate references to adult topics.
- 16+ – Severe, frequent adult language. May contain references to topics not appropriate for children.
- 18+ – Contains adult language (severe). Language may be frequent. May contain graphic descriptions of adult content.
- Mild cursing includes curse words, but does not include religious cursing or the f-word.
- Moderate cursing includes curse words and religious slurs, but does not include the f-word.
- Severe cursing includes all curse words and religious slurs, including the f-word.
Adult Situations Rating
- All ages – All content is appropriate for all ages. Bring the whole family!
- 10+ – May address adult topics, including death and divorce. May contain mild adult situations, such as smoking or drinking. May contain indirect references to sexuality.
- 13+ – May contain situations including death, divorce, smoking, drinking, substance use, violence, and suicide. May contain references to sexuality and mild sexual situations. May contain subject matter that is likely not interesting to children under 13.
- 16+ – May contain suggestive sexual content and partial nudity. May directly depict situations such as suicide, illegal activities and substance use.
- 18+ – Show may contain full frontal nudity and explicit, graphic situations. Minors may not be admitted depending on content. Contact the box office for more information.
Violence Rating
All ages – May contain mild slapstick or typical fairytale situations. Characters may face brief moments of mild peril, but nothing considered disturbing to the majority of young children.
- 10+ – Show may contain highly comedic violence. Show may contain situations that could be frightening to young children. (Think: murder in the farcical sense, rather than realistic)
- 13+ – May contain infrequent violence such as slaps or swordplay, or situations that could frighten young children.
- 16+ – May contain frequent and moderate violence including gun violence and death. May contain situations that are intense and could frighten children.
- 18+ – Show contains graphic violence, and may be disturbing for some adults. Not appropriate for children.