No Man’s Land
by Harold Pinter
Rated R for language
Performance Dates
April 5 & 12 @ 7:30 pm
April 6, 7, 13 & 14 @ 8:00 pm
April 8 & 15 @ 2:30 pm

What our patrons are saying about “No Man’s Land”…
No Man’s Land:
No Man’s Land surprised me. I expected to be confused: all the reviews I’d read waxed eloquently about playwright Pinter’s existentialism, his brilliance in making it impossible for the audience to really pinpoint what’s going on in his plays. So, I didn’t laugh at the dark humor, nor did I try to analyze every single word uttered; I just listened. I was intrigued. Who are these men? How are they connected? These are the questions I was asking myself at intermission, and the answers were revealed–at least in part–in the second act. The end of the play leaves one with a few more questions that would best be discussed over coffee with a good friend. Who’s really free? The successful poet entrapped by his riches and his ever-present “protective” staff? The poor man whose words never quite put enough food on the table and thus produced a poet-turned-opportunist late in life? The man who still has his mental faculties or the one who seems to be slipping a bit in his memory? The men who’ve indentured themselves to a wealthy alcoholic or the one who can fire them with a word–if only he could stay sober long enough to do so? Perhaps the characters are stuck in that netherworld of “no man’s land,” but as an audience, it’s nice to be able to mull over the larger questions of life and draw one’s own definite conclusions. If you haven’t seen “No Man’s Land,” check it out this weekend. You might just be intrigued.
Mandy Carbajal ~ Amarillo
“Mysterious, bleakly beautiful and very funny”
The Amarillo Little Theatre is very proud to present the brilliant play No Man’s Land as the final Adventure Space production of the 2017-18 season!
No Man’s Land is about precisely what its title suggests…the sense of being caught in some mysterious limbo between life and death, between a world of brute reality and one of fluid uncertainty…the play is a masterly summation of all the themes that have long obsessed Pinter: the fallibility off memory, the co-existence in one man of brute strength and sensitivity, the ultimate knowability of women, the notion that all human contact is a battle between who and whom…It is in no sense a dry, mannerist work but living, theatrical experience full of rich comedy in which one speech constantly undercuts another.
Artistic Director, Stephen Crandall, has assembled a fine cast of ALT performers for this production, including Patrick Burns, John May, Don Shipman and Don Washburn. Assistant to the director is Krystal Burns.
This will be a captivating evening of great theatre for ALT Adventure Space audiences.
Don’t miss the Ovation Series Talk Back event on Sunday, April 8 immediately following the show.
Performance location
ALT Adventure Space
2751 Civic Circle
Get further ticket information at:
[email protected]
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