The Underpants

The Underpants

by Carl Sternheim and Steve Martin

Rated – PG-13 for innuendo

Performance Dates

August 15 & 22 @ 7:30 pm
August 16, 17, 23 & 24 @ 8:00 pm
August 18 & 25 @ 2:30 pm

“This is funny stuff …a fine play…with funny characters and lightening flashes of wit.”  

Amarillo Little Theatre is very proud to present the highly acclaimed and brilliant new play The Underpants as the first Adventure Space production of the 2019-20 season.

The renowned comic actor and author of Picasso at the Lapine Agile provides a wild satire adapted from the classic German play about Louise and Theo Markes, a couple whose conservative existence is shattered when Louise’s bloomers fall down in public. Though she pulls them up quickly, he thinks the incident will cost him his job as a government clerk. Louise’s momentary display does not result in the feared scandal but it does attract two infatuated men, each of whom wants to rent the spare room in the Markes’ home. Oblivious of their amorous objectives, Theo splits the room between them, happy to collect rent from both the foppish poet and the whiny hypochondriac.

ALT has assembled a fantastic cast for this production, including three new faces.  The cast includes Richie Garza, Macey Owen, Shannon Mashburn, Colton Castillo, Jonathan Mobley and Michael Westmoreland.  Artistic Director is Cy Scroggins with Patricia Cowden  as Assistant to the Director.

Don’t miss the Ovation Series Talk Back event on Sunday, August 18, immediately following the performance.  The Ovation Series is made possible through a donation from Kevin and Roxanne Ball.

Performance location

ALT Adventure Space
2751 Civic Circle

Box office phone: 806-355-9991

Get further ticket information at:
[email protected]

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  • Marilyn Brown
  • Richard & Jo Jackson
  • Marcus & Salina Mills
  • Richard & Jimmie Smith
  • Minnie Venable
  • Susie Ware
  • Dan & Laura Worsham


  • Jones Press
  • Palace Coffee
  • he Ruffled Cup
  • The ALT Guild